The boiler has been designed to operate with heating standard oil, with sulphur content < 1000 ppm, thanks to the construction made of stainless steel AISI 316Ti and AISI 904 L. The boiler is based on the principle of heat stratification: in the upper part there is high temperature water, while in the lower part, where condensing take place, remains a large quantity of cold water in order to ensure the condensation.
The generator structure has been studied to contain thermal expansion.
Particular care was given to ensure thermal insulation of the boiler body, casing and door by using high-density mineral wool and ceramic fibre. The control panel should be ordered separately.
– Low polluting emissions
– Reduced average temperature of the body and quick start-up time
– Several solutions thanks to the combination with Riellotech control panels
– Built-in condensate drain
– Maximum operating pressure: 6 bar.
In conformity with Directive 2009/125/EC
Condensing boilers made of stainless steel with three flue gas passes, with high water content, suitable for the operation with oil and gas jet burners
Suitable for the operation with oil for heating according to UNI 6579 (sulphur content < 1000 ppm)